Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Graduation Day

OH THE PLACES SHE WILL GO... Zaria has completed 4 year old lindergarten and is moving up to "big school". Her parents looked on as she posed for a little graduation glamour!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Today is Mother's Day, and I am so fortunate to have the mother that I have. She has shown me the true meaning of unconditional love. From the time I was a baby, I have looked up to her and followed as closely in her footsteps as possible. She is the most amazing, incredible, smart, beautiful, loving, and spectacular woman that I know. I am blessed mot only to call her "mom", but to call her FRIEND! Thanks mom for always loving me through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. You have made me who I am today. I love hearing people say, "you are just like your momma". That makes my heart smile!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jennifer and Kenneth's Engagement Pics

Another one bites the dust!!! I was honored to take these pictures for a sweet friend of mine that got engaged and is getting married in August!! I am so thrilled for both of them. Jennifer and I have known each other since elementary school and I have loved getting to know Kenneth over the past few years! Can't wait till the big day!

Down Syndrome

If you ever wondered what Angel's Look like- Here they are! I have always had a special place in my heart for children with Down Syndrome. They melt my heart! These two angel's have left so many footprints in my heart! Topher, you continue to amaze me! I have loved watching you grow up to be such a big boy over the past few years! Becker loves you! Macy, I have watched you grow from a baby to such an independent big girl. You are going to make a difference in so many lives. I love you two both very much!

Slumber Party

Girl Power!!! My sweet Macy from my class came to spend the night with me and Lily on Friday night. It was Macy's first sleepover! We had a blast! We painted nails and toes, (Josh too) and the girls took a bubble bath- then it was off to bed watching movies while they were snug as a bug in a rug! Can't wait till next time!

My Cute Class

Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be a teacher. It has been in my blood honestly since I was a tiny little girl, playing "school" with my babydolls. I truly know that this is my passion and this is my calling in life. Each and every year 12 special children walk into my life and change me on so many different levels. I always hope and pray that in some way I help to make and mold them into better people, but I know that they make me a better person on a daily basis! These children are amazing and I love each and every one of them. Some of them will come and go in my life, but fortunately many of them stick in my life forever!

Golfing with Josh

I am in love with a golfer, and a good one at that! He and his brother Neil played in the Member/Guest at Saluda Valley and came in second in the whole tournament. I rode along in the cart. Three to a cart is not the most comfortable, but well worth the memories!

My Sweet Cori

As a teacher, there are some students that come into my classroom and change my life. My sweet Cori is one of them! The day that I met him, I loved him. He is so special to me and I have continued to keep intouch with him even after he left my class. There is nothing like hearing this child say "Me love you Ms. Becker". Children like Cori are the reason I teach! I love you sweet Cori!