Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Festivities

Here are some favorite snapshots of Holiday Happiness so far this season!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Cards #4

Once again I had the privilege of taking two families pictures for their Christmas Cards. The Cline family have been very dear friends of mine since I was a child. Harrison and my brother Doug, were the best of friends and Harrison will always hold a special place in my heart. Their Third child is named after my "Doug". Taking his pictures today was such a reminder of Doug's full of life personality and precious smile- Thanks for those great memories today Harrison, Lisa, Grey, Abby, and Baby Doug! The other family that I took today was Jill and Mark Cothran and their sons Grange and 1 week old baby named Major. He was beautiful and Jill looks amazing! Thanks Cothran Family!