Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas Card Photoshoot #2

On Saturday I spent the majority of the day at Greenville's beautiful Rock Quarry taking pictures of several families for Christmas Cards. Here are a few of my favorites. Summer is a 4 year old little girl that was adopted from China. She was amazing for the camera! Her eyes just lit up and her personality was unbelievable. She is in K-4 at Christ Church preschool and she is so smart.
My wonderful classroom assistant let me take her family's pictures. She has 3 awesome kids. Rionnelee is 6 and in the first grade at Lake Forest, Parker is 4 and a piece of work! He really likes to do everything "Parker's Way" and then there is sweet Grayson. He is a mommas boy and has such a sweet spirit. Thanks Peace! I love you and your kids
Susan Masengill and her husband Brian and their two kids were fun to shoot as well. George and Ellenor were precious. The pictures show their personalities.
One of my former students Logan and his family were my last photoshoot yeaterday. The Sham family was always very good to me while I taught Logan and we continue to be great friends!

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